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Farm Fresh in #SouthTempe
Food Network “Chopped!” Viewing Party
July 2017 Update – No Vape Store!
Neighbors of South Tempe don’t need and don’t want a smoke shop / vape store. Gravitate Smoke Shop is not welcome here! It’s bad for home values, and it’s antithetical to our community. Please sign this online petition to make your voice heard!
We will present this online petition to the City of Tempe hearing on July 18 at 5PM at the zoning hearing.
01) Sign the Petition:
02) Attend the Hearing to STOP Gravitate Smoke Shop:
Where:Tempe City Hall Council Chambers 31 E. 5th Street Tempe, AZ 85281
When:Tuesday, July 18, 2017 at 5PM
Why: We put pressure on the city officials, the business owner, and the zoning hearing committee.
See what Gravitate Smoke Shops look like on Facebook:
^ This is not a gentleman’s cigar store! “Vapor Stores” sell tobacco, bongs, hookahs, and other drug-related accessories.
^ Actual interior
^ Example of an online ad from Gravitate Smoke Shop.
^ Merry Christmas! Let’s get stoned! We’re open until 1 AM.
May 2017 Update
I hope that everyone had a wonderful spring. We’ve been very blessed this May to have cool weather. Here are some fun updates from the 85284:
I. Garden Tour
South Tempe’s Jake Mace is giving his final garden tour on June 3rd and 4th, 2017 before summer blows through Arizona. Jake’s 1/3 of an acre “food forrest” garden has become the envy of many people here in Tempe, but also to tens of thousands of aspiring gardeners who enjoy his YouTube channel. Jake’s backyard will blow your mind. You had no idea that you could do this kind of gardening in Arizona!
II. Tempe Public Marketplace Construction
All evidence of Circle K has been deleted on the NEC of Warner and Rural. We can only see a brick shell of a building ready to be rebuilt as a beautiful neighbrohood cafe. Chef Aaron will be opening up shop late in the fall.
III. Verizon
As we reported earlier this year on Facebook. Verizon in fact opened up a on the NWC of Warner and McClintock in the old 7/11. It’s not the first choice to add to our community, but it’s an upgrade for sure.
December 2016 Update
We can finally let the news out! Chef Aaron Chamberlin is opening Tempe Public Market on the NE Corner of Warner and Rural in the empty Circle K gas station.

If you’ve been to Chef Chamberlin’s Phoenix Public Market downtown, you know that this is will be a cool neighborhood spot. The cafe has a little for everyone at all hours of the day.
Read the story in The Phoenix New Times
From the Architect Christoph Kaiser:
“The second chapter of Chef Aaron Chamberlinβs “Public Market Cafe” is coming to Tempe Arizona in Spring 2017. A 3,190sf abandoned Circle K gas station is being transformed into the farm-to-table restaurant, and will be surrounded by vegetable gardens, a grand shade canopy, and a publicly accessible park with a community fire place. Reclaimed concrete from the existing parking lot will be re-used to create raised planting beds to grow plants for use by the restaurant and bar. Construction will begin in January 2017.”